This week's conversation topic is NEETs (not in education, employment, or training). Here are some articles and videos to check out in your free time:
Entry-level jobs - jobs at the lowest level of an organization
Internship - a period of training spent in a hospital by a young doctor in order to finish their medical qualification
Labour market - the supply of people in a particular country or area who are able and willing to work
NEET - not in education, employment, or training: used by the government to describe a young person who is no longer in school and does not have a job or is not training to do a job
Recession - a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad
Résumé / CV - a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, and sometimes also your personal interests, that you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job
To juggle - to try to do two or more jobs or activities at the same time, because you do not have a lot of time
To tag - to put a tag on something, to give a name to something