This week's conversation topic is about sleeping better. Here are some articles, videos and podcasts to check out in your free time.
PODCAST: https://jrelibrary.com/1109-matthew-walker/
VIDEO: https://www.businessinsider.com/what-happens-when-you-dont-get-enough-sleep-2017-12?IR=T
ARTICLES: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/sleep-myths-debunked-coffee-tips-snoring-tired-dreams-a8240456.html
Here's some essential sleep vocabulary to get you started:
Lie in: to remain in bed after the normal time for getting up (intentionally).
Nod off: to fall asleep
Hit the sack: to go to bed
Nightlight: a lamp or candle providing a dim light during the night.
A nightmare: If the dream is unpleasant, it's called a nightmare.
A night owl: - A person who doesn't go to sleep at night or who works at night when he or
she should be sleeping is called a night owl.
Slippers: Slippers are shoes that some people wear around the house while wear pajamas or a nightgown.
A nap: a short sleep, especially during the day
Oversleep: to sleep longer or later than you intended.